
St Peter’s Wallingford and nearby church tea parties

St Peter’s Church at Wallingford, with its candle snuffer spire, is the riverside landmark. Lawyer Sir William Blackstone is buried there. The key to the redundant but lovely building on the Thames Path can be borrowed from the Tourist Information Centre at the Town Hall in Market Place.

Meanwhile, the Churches Conservation Trust is hosting Midsummer Tea Parties at two nearby churches in June.

Both are across the river.

St Mary’s in the hamlet of Newnham Murren just south of Crowmarsh Gifford across Walingford Bridge has fundraising teas available on Saturday 18 June 3.30pm–5.30pm at next door Newnham Farm House.

Riverside St John the Baptist at Mongewell Park is holding its Tea Party the next day on Sunday 19 June, 2pm-4pm.

See pages 144 and 146 -147.



Abingdon’s Nag’s Head still closed

The Nag’s Head on Abingdon Bridge closed in January and despite local concern it remains closed.

It appears that the decision to close was taken by Punch Taverns who were not the building’s owners.

See page 172.


Greenwich Chair-lifting

If you are on the Thames Path at Greenwich this Easter Monday you might see traditional chair-lifting at lunchtime.

The Church Times reminds us that the Blackheath Morris Men have been maintaining this Midlands Easter custom next to the Cutty Sark for the last twenty years.

Girls are invited to sit in a decorated chair and be lifted up in the air in return for a kiss.

The flower covered chair will be brought out at about 12.30pm.

See page 18.


Blackfriars railway shields to be relocated

The huge iron railway company insignia on the remaining south end of the old Blackfriars railway bridge has been dismantled.

The two 150 year old London, Chatham & Dover Railway crests will be restored and repositioned back to back  at one end of the abutment.

The London SE1 website has an explanation and pictures.

See page 34.


BBC Countryfile at Hurley

Last Sunday’s Countryfile on BBC1 was trailed as featuring Windsor Great Park and the new rowing course on the opposite side of the Thames.

A surprise inclusion was a piece on Hurley Lock and boat building with additional shots of Temple Lock and Temple Bridge.

The programme, which has wonderful shots of Windsor Castle, can still be seen this week on the BBC iplayer.

See pages 110.


Swans dead on River Thames

Meridan TV reports tonight that since the start of the year as many as 150 swans have been found dead on the Thames between Windsor and Reading. Cold weather, lack of food and infections are to blame.


Kemble-Swindon line to be double track

The announcement in today’s Budget Speech that the railway line between Kemble and Swindon is to returned to double track is a surprise.

The government has given in to pressure on this as the line could serve as an alternative when weekend rail works close the main line to the Severn tunnel. But in time this could allow for a better service to and from the Thames source at Kemble.

see page 212-213.


Olympic money for Thames Path

The Thames Path between London Bridge and Oxo Tower Wharf is to be improved in time for the 2012 Olympics.

The London-SE1 website has the funding information and details.

See pages 30-36.


Weekend spring tides

High tides are due in London this weekend.

At London Bridge the high tides are Sat 19 March 1.37pm; Sun 2.23pm; Mon 3.06; Tue 3.47pm.

High tides also mean low tides at other times which makes the shore extra interesting.

Thames Clippers is warning that its services may be disrupted due to available headroom at Blackfriars Bridge. The Rotherhithe Hilton-Canary Wharf Ferry service may also not run to time due to low water conditions.

See page 22

HMS Bulwark at Deptford

HMS Bulwark is moored at Deptford until Monday.

The ship, last on the Thames in 2008, has just undergone at £30m refit and will be taking part in sea training exercises before returning home to Plymouth.

She will shortly take up her role as UK Flag Ship.

See page 18.